Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The RPK Phenomenon

Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) is a phenomenon.  RPK is known to not just Malaysians, but also the international community, via his website Malaysia Today (MT).  That the latter has become an authoritative source of information about what is not going so well with the BN government stems from the fact that each piece of story which RPK chooses to post, no matter how baffling and incredible, would later turn out to be true. The latest concerns a member of the prosecution team for the Sodomy II trial.  When the piece about her first appeared in MT, it sounded too good to be true.  But now even the AG cannot ignore it and has to respond, implicitly admitting the truth of the episode.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Strategi Samseng: Selangor, Media dan Perang Saraf

Pertarungan politik dipertontonkan kepada masyarakat melalui media.  Jika anda menguasai media, maka anda telah menguasai sebahagian besar daripada medan pertarungan.  Media boleh melaporkan sesuatu perkembangan menurut seleranya. Penilaian tentang apa yang akan jadi berita bergantung pada editor media. Ada berita yang penting tetapi tidak disiarkan.  Ada yang disiarkan tetapi secara tidak adil, iaitu sama ada lebih baik daripada realiti atau lebih buruk.  Itu semua menurut selera penguasa yang menguasai media.