Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nazri dan Lidahnya yang Bercabang

Menteri menjaga Undang-Undang, Nazri, tidak habis-habis berbohong.  Dialah yang mempertahankan APCO, dan menghalau Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Karpal Singh dan Azmin Ali dari Parlimen dengan cara yang jelek.  Sementara musuhnya berada di luar Parlimen, Nazri tidak habis-habis membambu mereka.

Instead of Bombing Dictators, Stop Selling Them Bombs

by Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis

When all you have is bombs, everything starts to look like a target. And so after years of providing Libya’s dictator with the weapons he's been using against the people, all the international community – France, Britain and the United States – has to offer the people of Libya is more bombs, this time dropped from the sky rather than delivered in a box to Muammar Gaddafi's palace.
If the bitter lesson of Iraq and Afghanistan has taught us anything, though, it's that wars of liberation exact a deadly toll on those they purportedly liberate – and that democracy doesn't come on the back of a Tomahawk missile.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pertahankan Putrajaya walaupun bercerai daging!

Apabila Najib menyeru kepada anggota BN supaya mempertahankan pemerintahan BN walaupun daging bercerai daripada tulang,mungkin ada yang tertanya-tanya apakah maksud nakhoda BN itu.  Kini satu demi satu tindakan ditonjolkan menyusuli slogan itu.

Semasa PRK Kerdau, TPM mempertahankan tindakan sekumpulan samseng yang mengerumuni kenderaan yang membawa DSAI yang sedang berkempen.

Minggu lepas, demonstrasi khas disusun oleh kerajaan BN, dibantu oleh Polis, kononnya mewakili NGO, mendesak DSAI menyerahkan DNA-nya.

Menjelang Pilihan Raya Sarawak, muncul video lucah membabitkan seorang 'pemimpin pembangkang'.  Video itu ditonton wartawan di sebuah bilik terkemuka, tanpa diganggu oleh polis.  Tujuan video itu jelas:  memberi imej buruk kepada pembangkang.

Negara diperintah Samseng

Beberapa hari lepas saya dikejutkan oleh keluhan seorang drebar teksi, yang saya naiki, bahawa Malaysia sedang diperintah oleh gangster.  Satu demi satu contoh dibawanya untuk membuktikan dakwaannya itu.  Saya hanya mengiyakan saja.

Tiba di rumah ayat-ayat yang diluahkan drebar itu bermain-main di kepala.  Saya baru pula terbaca demonstrasi meminta Anwar Ibrahim menyerahkan DNA-nya.  Boleh pulak berdemo, bisik hati saya.  Yang saya ingat vigil lilin beberapa bulan lepas pun disuraikan dengan kekerasan.

Hari ini pula, dikhabarkan ada orang bergelar 'Dato' menayang video lucah di sebuah bilik hotel.  Pemberita dari media diiring seorang demi seorang menontonnya.  Polis nampaknya membenarkan tayangan video lucah berjalan, walaupun komunikasi canggih kini bermakna maklumat telah sampai kepada mereka.  Pada sebelah petang pula, Hishamuddin, menteri yang mengawal polis, pula nerkata polis tidak boleh buat apa-apa jika tiada orang yang membuat laporan teraniaya.  Tayangan dibuat pada siang hari, di hotel terkemuka di tengah-tengah ibu kota, ditonton pula oleh wartawan dari media terkemuka, sedangkan polis buat tak tahu.

Betullah kata drebar hari kelmarin tu.  Negara ditadbir oleh gangster.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Who kills Altantuya?

The murder of Altantuya Shaaribu, was the murder crime of the century, as far as Malaysia is concerned.  A Mongolian model, hitherto unknown to most Malaysians, was murdered in the most brutal way:  she was murdered and her body was blown up to pieces using the infamous C4 explosive.  The court then embarked on a long, tiring journey in order to determine the culprit who gave the narion a very bad name.  The court settled on two policemen despite absence of motives for the crime.  The two policemen have no motives, except probably acting on behalf of someone else.  Who are those someone else?  Najib's aide, Razak Baginda, came close to being implicated, but Najib himself played a role in the whole affair.  That Najib had an interest in the affair was highlighted by his sms message to Razak Baginda. The nation needs to know the truth.

Of Ghosts, Demons and Muhyiddin

Muhyiddin, through another of his ramblings, has shown his trademark of sheer stupidity.  He says the people of Sarawak should 'fend off ghosts and demons coming from the peninsula.'

First, to demonise the people from the peninsula, even just a group of them, is against national integration, and even against the spirit of 1Malaysia, whatever that spirit is.  Second, ghosts and demons are not uncommon in largely rural Sarawak.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Surendren: Najib, Mubarak ada persamaan ketara

Dari Malaysiakini

Pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang sering menindas dan bersikap kuku besi dilihat persis corak pemerintahan bekas diktator Mesir Hosni Mubarak dakwa kepimpinan PKR.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Former PM Rewrites History

Yesterday Tun Dr M launched his 800-page  magna corpus 'A Doctor in the House'.  In it he tries to portray his  22 years in office in the most positive light.  There is actually a precedent to this: In 1998 and 2000 Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew had launched his own 1468-page two-volume memoir The Singapore Story in which the latter wrote the history of Singapore according to his own interpretation of events up to 1965 and from 1965 to year 2000, respectively.  While the chauvinistic LKY merely interprets events according to his world-view, Mahathir tempers with events, however well-known the facts are to many - to satisfy his own fantasy.

Malaysian Gambles with the Environment

Malaysia Makes a Big Bet on Crucial Metals
By KEITH BRADSHER [The New York Times]

Read also:

KUANTAN, Malaysia — A colossal construction project here could help determine whether the world can break China’s chokehold on the strategic metals crucial to products as diverse as Apple’s iPhone, Toyota’s Prius and Boeing’s smart bombs.

As many as 2,500 construction workers will soon be racing to finish the world’s largest refinery for so-called rare earthmetals — the first rare earth ore processing plant to be built outside China in nearly three decades.

For Malaysia and the world’s most advanced technology companies, the plant is a gamble that the processing can be done safely enough to make the local environmental risks worth the promised global rewards.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Despite deadline extension, only 4% of outstanding summonses settled

Blogger's comment follows

PUTRAJAYA: Only 4% of the 17.3 million traffic summonses still outstanding at the end of last month have been settled, despite the second extension to the 50% discount offer to clear fines, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop said.

Abu Seman said despite all the repeated calls from motorists for an further extension to the Feb 28 deadline to settle summonses at a discount, only 700,000 had been settled until Monday.

"If the offenders are genuine (in their intention to settle their summonses), then they should come forward and pay the fines.

"We urge motorists who still have 16.6 million outstanding summonses to settle their fines quickly," e told a press conference here Monday.

He was commenting on the progress of payments on the fines that had been made after the Home Minister announced last week the extension to the discount period to March 10.

The extension was granted after considering grouses by offenders that their attempts to pay were hampered by extremely long queues, not enough counters and the system being down.

During the initial discount period, which began on Aug 12 last year, a total of 5.5 million summonses were paid.

1. Is this a sign of civil disobedience by Malaysians?
2. Most of the summonses are believed to be 'saman ekor' (SE).
3. SE is a baby sister of the infamous ISA: Once you are alleged to have committed an offence you are deemed guilty without recourse to trial. Therefore SE is unconstitutional.
4. Furthermore, the spirit of the ummonses as punishment, hence a deterrent, is obviously missing, for the alleged offender may be unaware of the offence he has committed and may therefore repeat the same offence many times before the summonses are served.
5. An inadvertent alleged offender is therefore unnecessarily slapped with numerous summonses which are avoidable if he were stopped and personally served the summonse at the place and time of the first incident.
6. In conclusion, SE is a wanton idea hatched by the power-that-be, already consumed by the craziness of the ISA.
7. The motive of the idea is obviously to generate money - big and fast.  That is why SE is so immoral.
8.  Bravo Malaysians!

'My People' by Yusuf Islam aka Cats Stevens

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dzulkefly Ahmad: Reform or face a national revolt!

From The Malaysian Insider

Mar 06, 2011
MARCH 6 — I’m fully conscious of how the Barisan Nasional’s (BN) mainstream media (MSM) would demonise and ostracise me for what I’m about to say. I’m nonetheless going to say it in simple and unequivocal term.
Simply put, if I were to call the shots in N28 Kerdau by-election, I would want my party to boycott the election. Period.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

M'sia jatuh ke tangga 143 - indeks kebebasan media

Hafiz Yatim
Mei 3, 11
Malaysia menduduki tangga 143 daripda 196 negara yang disenaraikan sebagai negara yang mempunyai media masa yang bebas.

Kajian yang dibuat oleh Freedom House yang berpangkalan di Amerika Syarikat menujukkan akhbar di Malaysia masih tidak bebas.

freedom house 2011 global press freedom mapMalaysia yang mendapat hanya 64 mata berkongsi kedudukan dengan Madagascar dan Angola di benua Afrika.

Kajian Kebebasan Akhbar 2011 ini dibuat sempena Hari Kebebasan Akhbar Dunia yang disambut hari ini.

Alahai Muhyiddin

Setiap kali Muhyiddin mebhemburkan kata-kata dia menampakkan kedunguannya.  Malah dia bodoh dan angkuh - persis Mubarak.
1.  Muhyiddin mengancam menutup mulut pemimpin Pakatan - yang mengingatkan BN tentang pergolakan di Timur Tengah - dengan tindakan keselamatan.
2.  Mubarak sangat terkenal dengan apparatus keselematan yang amat cekap, disokong kuat pula oleh Israel,  sehingga ramai pemerhati terkejut apabila dia akhirnya tersungkur juga.
3.  Tetapi Muhyiddin tidak yang goblok akan belajar daripada episod 18-hari  itu, malah cuba mengulanginya - melalui penafiannya.
4.  Dia kata haram membandingkan Malaysa dengan Mesir sebab di Malaysia ada demokrasi.
5.  Di Mesir juga ada demokrasi walaupun Hosni Mubarak sentiasa mendapat 99.9% undi.  Di Malaysia pun BN kerap mendapat lebih 70% kerusi parlimen.  Pengundi hantu berkeliaran malah diinstitusikan. SPR berat sebelah, mengikut telunjuk parti pemerintah.  Dalam keadaan itu rakyat juga akan marah.  Kemarahan rakyat sedang dipendam dan menunggu masa untuk meledak.  Muhyiddin yang bongok tidak faham ini.
6.  Peringatan bahawa pergolakan Timur Tengah mungkin menjangkiti Malaysia dianggap satu hasutan, provokasi - padahal peringatan itu baik untuk BN.  Ingatlah sebelum terlambat.  Jangan takut dengan bayang-bayang sendiri.  Mengancam untuk menangkap rakyat yang bersuara akan menghantar BN melalui jalan sehala ke arah kehancuran.
7.  Di PRK Kerdau, Muhyiddin menjadi jurubicara rakyat apabila mengatakan rakyat Kerdau sudah 'menyampah; dengan Anwar sehingga mengepung dan membaling batu ke keretanya.  Pernyataan seorang TPM yang menyebelahi kegiatan samseng itu amat berbahaya.  Apa gunanya peraturan dan undang-undang jika TPM sendiri tidak menghormatinya apalagi mempertahankannya.  Itu semua Muhyiddin yang bahlul tidak mengerti.
8.  Dengan telatahnya Muhyiddin makin jauh daripada bakal menggantikan Najib sebagai PM; kedudukannya sebagai TPM pun hanya mengira hari.  Sungguh murah dirinya sanggup meluahkan apa saja demi dipergunakan bosnya, Najib.  Muhyiddin sitolol ikut saja.
9.  Muhyiddin memang tidak terkenal sebagai pemimpin yang bijak.  Warga Johor ditinggalkannya dengan projek gajah putih yang menelan berjuta ringgit tetapi kini hanya menyakitkan mata yang melihat.orang ramai.   Inilah projek yang menunjukkan betapa 'bijaknya' Muhyiddin sewaktu menjadi MB Johor!
10.  Muhyiddin yang tongong tidak peduli itu semua.